My question to everyone is, is it possible for pieces to be better than others?
My opinion: With the proper skill and training all artists are on the same level. Obviously a five year old's stick figure drawing will not match up to a painting by an artist who has been studying art for fifty years of his or her life. However, if two five year old children with the same artistic abilities both drew pictures, then one would not be any better than the other. Perhaps one child drew a piece which had flowers and the other child drew a cat. If the observer preferred cats then the observers taste would automatically favor the drawing of the cat, and it would appear as the "better" piece. It is all a matter of opinion and taste. Skill level is a completely different level all together. Skill can only exist with practice and dedication.
What are your thoughts?
If people have the same level of training and one of the two creates work that engenders stronger emotions or emotions in more people are they still equal? What if two people are at the same skill level but one makes work that is more creative?